lunes, 3 de junio de 2013

Starting (over) running and blogging on June

I had the start of this blog on hold, the same way I had many matters in my life on hold. My wife and I are starting the process of our divorce after 23 years together and 16 years of marriage. Yes, I am frightened with the idea of beginning again. Many things come to my head. Simply I don't know how is living alone since we've been together since when i was 19 and she was 17. We love each other but our relationship as a couple is here no more, so we decided to save what is the best part of it; the strong part: our friendship.

So we are creating something totally new for us and our children, not only unknown for us but against what everybody we know expect from a divorce.

Personally I think of it as an opportunity to get right many things that are not the way I thing they should in many aspects of my life.

This blog is meant to be about running and that is because of one very important issue I decided to focus on: my health.

I have 43 years old and I am not getting any younger as the days go by. Even though I find myself healthier than many people even younger than I, I know that men on my family have mostly one fashion to die: heart deceases. Some very young, some very old... I plan to die very, very old.

So Today I retake my running habit.

For some months I just took it easy, running 5 km or so every now and then... now I began the ease into 10 k program and ran 6.87 km with little problem. My idea is to enter the color run in Austin TX on september 14th.

Today I also started my low carb diet weighting 210 pounds.

So, today is the landmark  for what I intent to make a new way of life.

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