jueves, 6 de junio de 2013

Low Carb - Running: Suffering the mix

This is the fourth day of my low carb diet and my second day of running.

Ok, I know what you are thinking: low carb and running do not match well. And you are right. Today my run was a real pain: I ran less and slower and ended really exhausted. Maybe the temperature did not helped either: 77 F at 4:45 am with high humidity.

But yes, low carb is not helping, at least this first week in which I'm beginning ketosis. This week is always difficult.

Then... why low carb? Just because is the diet that works better to me. I have made it before and my fault was not to make a lifestyle of it. Today, 44 lbs up I'm paying the price.

Today I have eaten less than 20 grams of carbohydrates and ran 6.8 km. The 6.8 km more difficult of my life. Let's see how saturday comes.

lunes, 3 de junio de 2013

Starting (over) running and blogging on June

I had the start of this blog on hold, the same way I had many matters in my life on hold. My wife and I are starting the process of our divorce after 23 years together and 16 years of marriage. Yes, I am frightened with the idea of beginning again. Many things come to my head. Simply I don't know how is living alone since we've been together since when i was 19 and she was 17. We love each other but our relationship as a couple is here no more, so we decided to save what is the best part of it; the strong part: our friendship.

So we are creating something totally new for us and our children, not only unknown for us but against what everybody we know expect from a divorce.

Personally I think of it as an opportunity to get right many things that are not the way I thing they should in many aspects of my life.

This blog is meant to be about running and that is because of one very important issue I decided to focus on: my health.

I have 43 years old and I am not getting any younger as the days go by. Even though I find myself healthier than many people even younger than I, I know that men on my family have mostly one fashion to die: heart deceases. Some very young, some very old... I plan to die very, very old.

So Today I retake my running habit.

For some months I just took it easy, running 5 km or so every now and then... now I began the ease into 10 k program and ran 6.87 km with little problem. My idea is to enter the color run in Austin TX on september 14th.

Today I also started my low carb diet weighting 210 pounds.

So, today is the landmark  for what I intent to make a new way of life.